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About Equity and Inclusion at Fukai Kankei Taiken
Our social justice mission and commitment...
Travel is life-changing.
Fukai Kankei Taiken is a 501c3 non-profit corporation whose core mission includes a commitment to provide life-changing cultural travel experiences to young people regardless of the resources their family brings to the table.
Fukai Kankei's founder designed a program that ran at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston for 12 years, bringing 120+ under-resourced youth through a transformative travel experience in Japan. This program was funded by a generous private family foundation, and families paid nothing for their child to participate.
Over that time, the impact on those youth was massive. 100% of those youth finished high school and pursued college or military service. Participants have gone on to impressive achievements in and out of their academic careers, and most credit the Japan Program experience with much of that success.
Buy-One-Give-One on a grand scale.
Since the mid-2000s, "Buy One Give One" became a popular marketing tactic for consumer products like shoes and sunglasses, but with an integrated charitable benefit. "Buy this pair of shoes, and we'll give a pair of shoes to this person who needs them."
While shoes or a pair of sunglasses are nice to have, they will not create life-altering social change for the individual who receives them. Most B1G1 efforts have the additional ethical difficulties of using manufacturing and supply chain practices like child labor and unfair labor practices to produce the donated goods.
Fukai Kankei works with local social service agencies to identify under-resourced youth for whom this experience would be a game-changer. In addition to fundraising activities, we ask every student's family to consider sponsoring another student as well. If full sponsorship is out of your reach, we ask for whatever portion of the tuition you are able to afford.
$13,950 is the per-person cost of the program. We aim to reach a target of 50% of youth(6 youth) participating through full scholarship; it is our policy that we will not run the trip without at least two youth on full scholarship.
Hear more about impact
This video was produced by participants of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston's Japan Trip Program, progenitor of Fukai Kankei Taiken.